Google Buzz: Nu-i beta fara feedback

Toata lumea vorbeste despre Google Buzz. Un produs anuntat prea devreme, introdus ca raspuns la Twitter si Facebook, si care confirma importanta versiunilor de testare (beta, RC etc…), fiind primul produs Google lansat fara versiune beta:

[…] what Google viewed as an obvious shortcut stirred up a beehive of angry critics. Many users bristled at what they considered an invasion of privacy, and they faulted the company for failing to ask permission before sharing a person’s Buzz contacts with a broad audience. For the last three days, Google has faced a firestorm of criticism on blogs and Web sites, and it has already been forced to alter some features of the service.

Buzz care pierde enorm din lipsa feedback-ului utilizatorilor, violeaza intimitatea si realizeaza prea multe conexiuni si zgomot pentru nimic, relansand intrebarea: cand e un beta gata? O mini definitie si un test eficient aici:

Update: Todd Jackson (manager de proiect pentru Gmail si Buzz), dupa valul de critici la adresa generarii cercului de prieteni din Buzz, anunta:

We’ve heard your feedback loud and clear, and since we launched Google Buzz four days ago, we’ve been working around the clock to address the concerns you’ve raised. Today, we wanted to let you know about a number of changes we’ll be making over the next few days based on all the feedback we’ve received.

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One Response to Google Buzz: Nu-i beta fara feedback

  1. Pingback: Google Buzz feedback: Index this! | GanaiteD

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