Contraperformante online

Un magazin online a reusit o uriasa contraperformanta. Prin limitarea din greseala a tuturor preturilor din magazinul virtual la 50 USD timp de 6 ore a pierdut (onorand comenzile) aproximativ 1,6 milioane USD:

[…] Well, this morning, we made a big mistake in our pricing engine that capped everything on the site at $49.95.  The mistake started at midnight and went until around 6:00am pst.  When we figured out the mistake was happening, we had to shut down the site for a bit until we got the pricing problem fixed.

While we’re sure this was a great deal for customers, it was inadvertent, and we took a big loss (over $1.6 million – ouch) selling so many items so far under cost.  However, it was our mistake.  We will be honoring all purchases that took place on during our mess up.  We apologize to anyone that was confused and/or frustrated during out little hiccup and thank you all for being such great customers.  We hope you continue to Shop. Save. Smile. at

Detaliile erorii aici. La nivel RO, un magazin online de carti, in care s-au investit 1,2 milioane euro recupereaza investitia in 4-5 ani:

“In ceea ce priveste recuperarea investitiei, ca la orice proiect in private equity, estimam ca in 4-5 ani vom amortiza investitia. Break-even vom avea dupa 6 luni de activitate si vom incheia primul an de activitate cu profit”, a mai afirmat omul de afaceri. Libraria online lansata in varianta beta se numeste, iar suma de 1,2 milioane de euro necesara pentru dezvoltare pana la sfarsitul primului an de functionare […]

PS: Intre timp a fost lansat si e-Romania, un tun rasunator care “va contine urmatoarele domenii de interes national: e-Administratie, e-Sanatate, e-Mediu, e-Transport, e-Agricultura, e-Justitie, e-Educatie, e-Cultura, e-Biserica :), e-Turism, e-Asociativ, e-Sport, e-Participare, iar 13 programe vor fi dedicate persoanelor fizice, pe cand restul celor juridice“. 😛

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2 Responses to Contraperformante online

  1. Vlad Popa says:

    La cat de bine e implementat elefantul ala s-ar putea sa le ia mai mult si sa ii coste mai mult.

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