Subiect: Umil client catre Blizzard

Contul meu de WoW a fost spart sambata dimineata (11 iulie). Chiar urat, cu merge in cont, cu tot echipamentul si toate itemurile vandute (~5000 g). Cred ca Blizzard mi l-a redat luni, iar de prins, m-am prins marti (n-am primit niciun email ca mi-au fost redate itemurile).

Joi seara pe la 12 a fost suspendat 24 de ore (la ora la care scriu mai erau 1:10 minute pana expira suspendarea) din motive de tipul:

An investigation of the World of Warcraft account has produced evidence that the computer(s) used to play the account are infected by a virus, Trojan or keylogger.

Cam atat m-a dus capul sa le scriu dupa ce luni mi-am resecurizat/reverificat sistemul (urmarind si indicatiile lor) si dupa ce astazi l-am lasat sa scaneze cu tot arsenalul din dotare (scanare care nu a gasit nimic):


I received a mail about my account temporary suspension (24h) because my computer is virused/insecured/etc… I fully verified/cleaned my PC, using Kaspersky Inet Security 2010, checked for rootkits with Gmer, activated 2 firewals (windows default and kis2010), installed and updated windows defender, upgraded to IE8, installed all critical and useless MS patches, updated to FF3.5.1.

Still, nothing was found since i recovered my account… I appreciate your concern regarding my account, i know it was my fault indirectly for the account hacking (by not having an updated OS, windows defender, a good anti-virus — was using IE6 for debug purposes 🙂 and AVG that I dont trust anymore), but now, everything will be ok (i`m secured to teeth)… Please, grant me access to my account.

Thank you.

PS: am fost obsedat de WoW. Si cred ca IE6 trebuie sa moara pentru ca el e de vina pentru contul meu spart si pentru zilele platite si nejucate 🙂

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5 Responses to Subiect: Umil client catre Blizzard

  1. Blogubitu says:

    hehe, mai joci wow? faza cu contul parcă o pățise È™i “Sihastru”, ar urma acum È™i mO.

  2. mateo says:

    toti trecem prin momente grele in viatza, toti avem urcusuri si coborasuri. stiu ca ceea ce ai patit tu nu poate fi descris in cuvinte, da’ nu uita..sunt langa tine, la propriu 🙂

  3. ganaited says:


    Thank you for your e-mail. Your account was recently suspended. This suspension has now expired, and as such, you should be able to access the World of Warcraft servers. Should this not be the case, please provide more information about the problem you are experiencing so that we can assist you further.


  4. ganaited says:

    Dap, se pare ca-mi voi formata calculatorul. Problema persista 🙂

  5. Blogubitu says:

    cică recent si mO a raportat faptul că i s-a vandalizat contul. :))

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